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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Vince Guaraldi and Bola Sete live, 1963

 Vince Guaraldi and Bola Sete:

"Outra Vez" 

For me, West Coast Jazz is synonymous with Vince Guaraldi. Best known for his scores for all the Charlie Brown TV specials, Vince was a brilliant pianist and composer. He died in 1976 of a massive heart attack, at age 47. The day before he died he had just finished recording music for "Its Arbor Day, Charlie Brown" and had played a jazz club gig that night in Menlo Park CA with his trio.

Vince spent years playing with Latin jazz great Cal Tjader, and he had a deep affinity for Latin jazz and Bossa Nova. Here is a rare live performance from Ralph Gleason's show "Jazz Casual", 1963

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